Since that day in the Fall of 2006 when I totally
surrendered my will to the Lordship of Jesus Christ I am committed to HIS
service, I am committed to the cause of The Gospel.
Since the Lord God is the ONE who knows the hearts of men, He
gave me a wife in whom the Lord placed the same desires as me. Therefore we are together committed to raise
a Godly family, so far God has given us Ruth and Isaac and we
want to raise them for God. We do not
want to waste our lives. We the
Gavarrete’s desire to honor God and to walk in Humility, Obedience and Faithfulness
in the service to our Savior (Yeshua). We
do knowledge that we are unprofitable servants always depending and learning from
our Master the Lord Jesus.
Lord willing we are going to Honduras the 22 of April, 2014
to be there indefinably.
I strongly believe God call me to preach HIS
Good News not only in Honduras but to the ends of the world and that is what I
am willing to do.
It is our vision to evangelize the most remote
parts of Honduras and all surroundings, (urban and rural) through revival
meetings, evangelistic events, taking advantage of Radio and any other source for the
proclamation of the Gospel. And also I dare
to believe that God can give us the stadiums of Honduras (to blow the trumpet
aloud) to preach to dozens, hundreds and thousands the Forgiveness of sins
through authentic REPENTANCE.
The Eternal God can do it!
Jesus and only Jesus is the answer for Honduras and to every nation of the world!
We will shout aloud this profound truth while we live on the face of this earth.
I intent to preach His Gospel as long as the Lord God gives me breath.
This is our only reason of going to Honduras and abroad; to live out, preach and teach God’s Infallible Word.
The Eternal God can do it!
Jesus and only Jesus is the answer for Honduras and to every nation of the world!
We will shout aloud this profound truth while we live on the face of this earth.
I intent to preach His Gospel as long as the Lord God gives me breath.
This is our only reason of going to Honduras and abroad; to live out, preach and teach God’s Infallible Word.
It is our desire to be an encouragement to our
fellow missionaries and to work in unity with them in Honduras. We encourage us all to practice inner and
outer Holiness, a life set apart for the Glory of God. We desire to be unto you fellow missionaries a
blessing and not a curse.
I would like also to continue working with the
brethren Camino de Santidad (Brother Vicente’s group scattered in parts of Intibucá
and Lempira).
- We desire to target
people group the Lenca Indians and other ethnics groups present not only in Honduras, but also the neighbor countries.
Lenca are mostly unreached indigenous Indian group of about 100,000 people who live
in the western mountains of Honduras. The Lenca live by subsistence farming and
sometimes by hiring out to the large agriculture companies as cheap day labor.
May all be done for the Glory of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, for the Glory of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ and for the Glory of our Comforter, the Holy Spirit.
“May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of His
Unto the Service of our Savior and you,
The Gavarrete’s Written Original Date 08/13/2013 Date Posted 02/28/14
Jose Gavarrete (Cheppino)
Gavarrete Yanez (Argentina)
Ruth Gavarrete
Yanez (3)
Isaac Gavarrete Yanez (4 Months)